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Friday, May 20, 2011

I've waited so long

Yes! I'm finished with all my finals, and passed all my classes. I was the second highest grade in two of my classes, yea that's right you're jello. I'm extremely smart I guess. At least in Biology and History.

I haven't had much sleep these past few days :( I stayed up writing a paper one day and I had to get up at like 4:45 today so I could get ready and get to class on time!

Did you hear about the upcoming apocalypse? I bet you have, for those who haven't basically a group of stupid religious fanatic retards, who are more naive than I am, believe that God is going to take his children how sweet... and let the dead rise. All sorts of bull, hell I should have wrote the apocalypse I could have came up with better shit. Anywho people are now worried about zombies and shit, how stupid right? Don't get me wrong, zombies would be the shit but that shit isn't going to happen, nothing's impossible but it's unlikely.


Gas is expensive. I live in a place where it's like $3.75/gallon, which is NOTHING compared to other places I've been but since I live so goddamn far away from everything, its freaking 30 miles away from civilization so that's a 60 mile round trip every time. Along with all the running around I do it takes a toll at the pump. I'm tired of giving my money to gas stations. 

Gas isn't gonna go back down, ever. And when it comes to saving money just stay home... WELL I've got a shit ton of plans for the summer which are mainly extreme outdoorsy shit such as biking, rafting, canoeing and anything else I can jump into. All I wanna do is have fun and that's what I'm going to do and all of this is going to cost some grass (money not weed)  just to transport myself and others to locations in which we can do outdoorsy shit.

But enough of that now it's time to party it up! This weekend best be sick. It sorta sucks... I have to wait like 12 hours before any hardcore shit goes down. :*( Oh well at least I'll have something to do, I'm happy.


  1. There was a billboard here selling some new bibles for the apocalypse. I don't see why anyone would need new bibles...

  2. that gif is mesmerizing

    also gas is 4.50 a gallon here ;_;

  3. Gas is 3.5 in my country , guess is not cheap ,

  4. Congrats on the school stuff! Now you can party before the rapture comes.

  5. Dude, I bought a bow and some arrow yesterday, I'M READY TO THE APOCALYPSE MODAFUKA.

  6. well, i guess i need to get herpes before tomorrow so i can experience it before i die

  7. So.. where are you partying? I want to spend my last day on earth with someone cool, so I figure you would have a chill party.

  8. I...I can't stop looking at the .gif. It's like a train wreck; terrible, but my eyes are glued to it.

    Also, congratulations on your success :D

  9. Yeah, how much money did the end is nigh people spend on their ad campaign for the end of the world. I call bullshit on them actually believing it themselves.

  10. The more I stare at that GIF the more I laugh! :p

  11. i need more people telling me that "shut up and take my money"

  12. Congrats man, guess you are smart at Bio and History! $3.75 a gallon is really cheap compared to the $4.15 a gallon here.

  13. I'll be jello when you're the smartest in both classes.

  14. yay, the raputure is here^^

  15. Glad gadafi is on the title page now

  16. i see a good thing about all this apocalypse stuff, many old gf ran back to me yesterday ^^

  17. Nice post, check out my new blog!

  18. Yeah I know gas is crazzzyy!! Have a great weeekend though and congrats on the finals!! woohooo :-P

  19. I too need the herps.
