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Monday, May 23, 2011

Today is today. Tomorrow is tomorrow. Yesterday was Yesterday.

So the run went pretty well. Only went 4 miles, but still not bad for someone who hasn't done much physical activity in a while. It was quite tiring but oh well I guess I'll deal with it. The sun was pretty hot at 8 am. Didn't really expect that. I would have went swimming afterwards if the rain didn't come in. Stupid rain... I used to love the rain now I hate it, man, what is up with me?

I got some pretty nice looks from the ladies today ;D Or not. I don't know.

Picture related, It's me after a month of this shit... Yes ears and all.

On a side note~ I hate my phone service... I have two bars right now and it's not sending a freaking message.

On another side note I totally stared down some hot chick that was singing, oh so hard, in her car today. When we made that notorious eye-contact I couldn't just look away so all I could do is give her a nice smile back. I could see her blushing... but, like a boss, she kept on singing. I salute you singing chick at the red light near the south shoppette. You made my day and I'm sure I made yours.


  1. wow, those are some nice ears
    i really need to take up running

  2. yay for singing chick! i love those situations!

  3. Thats almost Epic that she kept right on singing...

  4. You totally should have complimented her (as if she could hear you lol)

  5. This is the most epic blog ever

  6. That cat at the top is adorable!! ^_^

  7. Good skills with the singing chick!

  8. That's quite some athleticism you've got there son. Nice kitty too ;) you the man, dawg

  9. That's cool. 99% of people would have stopped singing. That definitely takes some balls.

  10. I always lose stare downs, I get such a feeling of awkwardness and embarrassment. I need to get better, so I can stare down hot chicks like you.

  11. Hahaha, stare downs are the best.

  12. Adorable cat. Hilarious story. Singin' in the car is only for BOSS people that are too cool for karaoke.

  13. You mean today is friday, tomorrow is saturday, and yesterday was thursday?

  14. Ahahah brilliant blog! Definitely following this one!

  15. Do you have a follow up for that chick? Maybe she's blogging about you too somewhere out there, rigghhhttt, lol. Also, nice cat pic :)

  16. Good luck with those cat ears.

  17. I once saw a man playing a trumpet while driving. Epic.

  18. trumpet driving???!?!? thats insane

  19. Haha, great story at the end there, I bet she was really embarrassed.

  20. She kept singing because she was offering you an invite to follow her to her bed to, well you know. It's cool though that you continued to listen to Vanilla Ice.

  21. Wow 4 miles is a long way for someone who does not run a lot.

  22. Love the cat sticking his head up in just the right spot. How cute!

  23. That cat has the body of a greek god

  24. Digging the facts in the title.

  25. brilliant blog
    +1 follow :)

    epic cat :D loocks soo great

  26. kitty has a 6-pack^^

  27. Well done! I bet you feel more exhausted today (sore etc). Try to restart your phone - usually works!

  28. At least your phone stays on, even if service sucks. My turns itself off every time I get a call or message...

  29. Singing while driving saves lives. If I didn't sing I'd probably fall asleep and plow into someone.

  30. Nice man, don't break the eye contact :) Gotta work on that myself

  31. Those ladies were looking, trust me.

  32. pff, that's nothing. i play the bagpipes when i'm driving and make intense eye contact with everyone.

  33. That chick is most definitely a boss. Also, if that is going to be you after a month, you ought to prepare a doctor's appointment ahead of time. I hear having ears like that is some kind of genetic mutation.

    It'll hurt. You'll probably die.

  34. Good work, I couldn't get motivated to go and run today.
